Tree Planting Tips


Trees in Ireland

Over 500 species of tree grow happily in Ireland. Picking the right one isn’t easy, so take time to choose the right tree for the right place and purpose.

The importance of buying good quality trees of the right size and planting them well cannot be underestimated. Good aftercare is the difference between the success and failure of your tree’s establishment.

You must:

  • Control grass and weeds around newly planted trees
  • Protect trees from damage by animals
  • Check your trees regularly

If you are planting a large quantity of trees, consider how you could turn your woodland into a haven for wildlife. This will enrich the wildlife value of your trees and add to the overall enjoyment of your investment.

Reading & Reference

We have a wonderful book for sale, full of information and inspiration:

Badgers, Beeches and Blisters” Tree planting and woodland ownership By Julian Evans and Ken Gill Price €18 including post & packaging. This book makes a wonderful gift.

…an easy-read guide to get one started on the basics of growing and caring for trees.”

Joe Barry, Crann Director

Please refer to the ABC Publications below for invaluable information:

Tips : October – April

  • Clear back vegetation and pit plant 40-60cm or 60-90cm whips
  • If possible plant trees 2′-3′ outside the line of the hedge. This makes subsequent management of the hedge easier
  • Protect with tree shelter
  • Put in a marker that protrudes from the top of the hedge to identify its position for subsequent management operations

Suitable Species to Plant

Recommended Irish native and naturalised hedge trees and shrubs

Select species from the suitable list that are common to your area.



Ash – shallow rooting

Oak – deep rooting



Alder – damp sites



Wild Cherry – good timber

Bird Cherry




Spindle – chalk soils

Crab Apple




Unsuitable Species

Evergreens (except holly)

Yew – poisonous to stock

Sycamore – casts heavy shade

Beech – casts heavy shade

Horse Chestnut – casts heavy shade

Lime – casts heavy shade

Aspen – tends to sucker

Elder – suppresses other species