During National Tree Week, the Crowne Plaza Dublin-Northwood Hotel is answering the call to ‘Plant for our Planet’. The Crowne Plaza recognises its responsibility for the environmental impact of their business and is constantly working on innovative ways to improve and counteract any such impacts.
With the support of Panda Greenstar, the Crowne Plaza have partnered with Crann – Trees for Ireland to host a range of tree planting, educational and climate action activities which will benefit various communities.
To launch this partnership during National Tree Week there was a ceremonial tree planting of an oak tree in Fingal County Council’s superb Northwood Park – Santry Demesne, under the direction of Joe Daly of Fingal’s operations department. This marked the culmination of a collaboration between Fingal County Council and the Crann – Easy Treesie project (which is a volunteer-lead initiative) where almost 1,000 children aged 6-18 have planted over 3,300 trees on public parklands and in school grounds within Fingal alone during 2018/19. This tree planting project is expanding with uptake from five other local authorities around the country.
Students from Gaelscoil Bhaile Munna participated and planted 183 saplings as well as the magnificent standard native oak. The trees have been supplied by Coillte, the Tree Council of Ireland and Fingal County Council for Northwood Park – Santry Demesne.
The planting party was preceded by a presentation by Orla Farrell, Crann – easy treesie project leader to the children on the importance of tree planting for sustainability. She emphasised that these trees will capture carbon dioxide to address climate change, ensuring that the children understand the importance of nurturing and cherishing our young and mature trees. Beidh an Meitheal Oibre seo trí mheán na Gaeilge.
Crann – Trees for Ireland also accepted some welcome sponsorship on the day as part of the Crowne Plaza/Panda Greenstar initiative.
Among attendees at the launch to support this initiative were Mr. Noel Rock T.D., representing Dublin North West. Mr. Garret O’Neill, General Manager of Crowne Plaza Dublin-Northwood and Ms. Magda Dabrowska, General Manager of Crowne Plaza Dublin-Blanchardstown. Panda Greenstar was represented by: Ms. Fionnuala Carr Head of Property Services and Mr. Shane Keogh, Corporate Account Manager.
Crann – Trees for Ireland was represented by: Diarmuid McAree, Director and Fingal County Council was represented by District Supervisor of Parks Colm Rigney.